Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sabahan semakin hilang identiti diri – Reply to Dr. Jeffery Kitingan “Need to put interpretations right”.

Sabahan pada zaman ini berada dalam keadaan yang serba ‘kehilangan’. Pembangunan infrastructure dan kemudahan prasarana internet yang menjanjikan keseronokan kepada kaum remaja secara amnya, menjadi pemangkin kepada kehilangan identity warga Borneo. Internet yang tidak dapat dinafikan keistemewaannya, telah mewujudkan keadaan di mana remaja pada masa kini, sentiasa terdedah kepada kebudayaan global dan terkini. Lebih menyedihkan lagi dikalangan anak-anak muda ini, mereka lebih mengatahui kebudayaan dan sejerah orang luar berbanding dengan diri sendiri. Kehilangan identity bagi suatu bangsa adalah suatu perkera yang sangat mengaibkan. Ini sangat jelas dan dapat dilihat kesannya, contohnya, wujudnya sejumlah besar golongan yang tidak tahu bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing.

Bagaimana ini semua berlaku? adakah ianya kesalahan ibu bapa? Bagaimana pula sekiranya ibubapa juga tidak tahu bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda? Atau, adakah kita warga Sabahan, “terlalu” mengangkat martabat bahasa asing? Bahasa inggris? Bahasa Melayu? Perlukah kita mengabaikan bahasa ibunda disebabkan kita bertutur dalam bahasa Malaysia di sekolah kita? Kerana pada akhirnya, bahasa inggris adalah lebih penting pada pasaran global. Mari kita sama-sama berkongsi fikiran.

Kehilangan ini tidak terhad kepada bahasa sahaja, malah telah menular sehingga seseorang itu terjabak dalam krisis diri. Pelajaran dan Agama tidak boleh dijadikan alasa bagi kita untuk melupakan budaya kita kerana kebudayaan kita boleh dilihat dari pelbagai sudut dan bergantung dengan tahap penilaian individu tertentu. Sekiranya Agama melarang, maka itu adalah wajar dituruti. Sabah bukan sahaja penuh dengan kebudayaannya yang asli dan juga ribuan sejarahnya sendiri yang masih belum terungkap.

Buat masa sekarang, kebanyakan kebudayaan kaum di Sabah masih dipraktikan tetapi lebih menjurus kepada pelancongan. Perbincangan ini adalah sebenarnya menerangkan siapakah identity diri kita dari sudut sejarah dan bukan kebudayaan. Krisi yang melanda Sabahan sebenarnya lebih dashyat dimana ianya telah mengakibatkan hak-hak dan martabat Sabahan dihakis.

Sebagai warga Sabah yang lahir di awal 80-an, dan mewarisi keistemewaan sebagai komunity yang terbesar di Sabah, dan menamatkan pelajaran di Universiti Malaya dalam bidang kejuruteraan, saya amat bersyukur. Walaupun tidak berpeluang untuk belajar di luar Negara, belajar di Semananjung merupakan suatu pengalaman yang bermakna dan telah membuka mata terhadap identity diri kita dimata luar.
Siapakah Sabahan? Adakah kita masih menatap di atas pokok? Di dalam gua? Masih memburu untuk mencari makanan setiap hari? Terimalah, inilah tanggapan orang luar terhadap Sabahan pada masa lalu. Saya jamin, majority diantara kita yang telah melangkah jauh diseberang, pasti pernah dianggap sebagai “wild man”.
Apabila Sabahan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu Sabah, non-Sabahan akan sedar dan mula ketawa, ada di antara mereka yang cuba meniru intonasi bahasa kita, ada yang serious untuk mengatahuinya, tetapi tidak kurangnya juga mereka yang mengejek-ejek. Kita warga Sabah, pastinya terasa apabila diperlaku sedemikian rupa tetapi syukur, sebab Sabahan mempunyai nilai tolerance yang tinggi. Malangnya, ada diantara Sabahan yang mengalami masalah bahasa dan budaya, terutamanya di Universiti, prestasi mereka menurun. Bukan disebabkan mereka ”bodoh” berbanding rakan-rakan sekelas tetapi kerana perbezaan bahasa yang pastinya merosakkan pemahaman mereka. Lebih teruk lagi apabila keyakinan pelajar itu semakin jatuh kerana kelemahan ini. Tidak semua pelajar Sabahan di Universiti/Kolej menguasi Bahasa inggris sebagai bahsa kedua dan hasilnya, ada Sabahan yang tewas dalam perjuangan mereka di peringkat tinggi. Mereka merupaka “elite” student di sekolah menengah, tetapi gugur dalam perjuangan.

Bangun Sabahan!! Mari kita bersatu dan maju sebagai suatu bangsa yang berdaya saing. Dengan itu, saya ingin mengulas beberapa perkera yang amat penting untuk mengambalikan indentiti diri kita.

Buku Teks Sejarah SPM/PMR yang di gunakan di sekolah tidak boleh diterima pakai 100% oleh system pendidikan di Sabah. Sabah sepatutnya berhak mendapat 1/3 daripada kandungan buku teks tersebut sesuai dengan perjanjian pembentukan kerajaan persekutuan dan juga untuk mengelakkan orang luar beranggapan salah terhadap Sabahan.

Buku Teks banyak memfaktakan tentang kesultanan di tanah Melayu, ketamadunan Islam (buku teks SPM), kebudayaan, wira-wira Melayu, pembentukan parti-parti Melayu, dan sedikit tentang pembentukan Malaysia dll. Ini adalah suatu bentuk “penjajahan minda yang halus” kerana kita Cuma mengatahui sedikit pasal sejarah pembentukan Sabah. Budak sekolah menghadapi krisis diri kerana “dipaksa” belajar sesuatu yang baru dan tidak ada kena mengena dengan kehidupan seorang warga Sabahan. Adakah disebabkan oleh kurangnya tulisa-tulisan sejarah menganai Sabah? Memang benar kita tidak mempunyi (setekat ni) sejarah seperti sejarah zaman penjajahan Portugal di Melaka tetapi kita mempunyi sejerah sendiri yang perlu diberitahu kepada anak-anak kita untuk memberikan mereka nilai diri.

Wira-wira seperti Mat Salleh dan Antunum ada dibincakngkan di dalam buku teks tetapi itu tidak mencukupi kerana masih ramai lagi wira atau lebih tepat, tokoh-tokoh sabah yang penting dalam pembentukan Sabah dan seharusnya diraikan oleh setiap Sabahan.
Contohnya Albert Kwok, Tun Fuad Donald Stephens, Datuk G.S Sundang, Datuk Peter Mojuntin,dll. Mereka adalah pejuang Sabah yang harus diingati setiap kali kita menyambut kemerdekaan. Sememang Tengku Abdul Rahman Putra Aj-Haj memainkan peranan dalam pembentukan Malaysia tetapi kita tidak boleh mengabaikan mereka, pejuang-pejuang Sabah yang telah berkorban untuk masa depan Sabah sebelum pengabungan kerajaan-kerajaan membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia. Ramai diantara kita adalah keturunan langsung dari datu dan nenek yang telah berkoraban dalam perang dunia kedua untuk membebaskan Sabah dari penjajahan Jepun. Kerajaan Australia juga telah mengiktiraf usaha-usaha pejuang-pejuang Sabah yang membantu tawanan perang Australia semasa perang dunia kedua.

Fakta-fakta ini juga gagal dimasukkan dalam buku teks sejarah. Ini adalah penting bagi meningkatkan keyakinan dan identity seseorang. Fakta-fakta lain separti “HeadHunter” juga perlu di ambil kira untuk memperkayakan lagi identiti diri. Wujudnya Monsopiad Culture Village adalah antara usaha-usaha golongan yang sedar akan mahalnya harga sejerah dan ianya mesti dipelihara.
Hari kemerdeakaan Negri Sabah dari tangan British semestinya perlu diingati dan di sambut secara besar. Hari pembentukan Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia adalah suatu perkara lain. Secara jujur, adalah tidak adil bagi kita, Sabahan untuk melaung “Merdeka” pada setiap 31 Ogos sambil melihat Tengku Abdul Rahman Putra Aj-Haj sebagai wira kita. Bagaimana dengan pejuang-pejuang Sabah? Contohnya, Albert Kwok yang terkorban dalam perjuangan menentang Jepun? Bagaimana pula dengan Tun Fuad Donald Stephens dan sahabat-sehabatnya? Atau datu dan nenek kita yang turut berjuang pada masa itu? Para dewasa memang masih jelas di ingatan mereka, tetapi bagaimana dengan golongan muda? Adakah mereka lengkap dengan ilmu sebelum melengkah ke luar Sabah? Oleh itu, perkera ini harus dipandang serious.

Maka untuk mengekalakan identity kita, langkah-langkah yang drastic dan wajar perlu diambil. Harga identity diri adalah mahal dan tidak semestinya menjaga martabat bangsa lain akan memastikan persepaduan di kalangan Sabahan. Sabah adalah suatu kerajaan berdaulat dan maruah Sabah perlu dijaga berserta kebudayaan-kebudayaannya. Suatu masa dahulu, kita di paksa belajar bahasa Melayu tetapi sekarang ternyata bahasa Inggris yang lebih penting dalam kemajuan Global. Perlukah mgabaikan bahasa ibunda semata-mata untuk memestikan persepaduan dengan Semananjung? Bukankan bertutur dalam bahasa inggris lebih menguntungkan Sabahan? Point di sini adalah, jangan sampai bahasa/identiti sendiri hancur semata-mata ingin menjaga persepaduan. Sabahan adalah terkenal dengan tolerance diri ini terbukti dimana kita dapat melihat lebih ramai sabahan dapat duduk semeja dengan kaum-kaum lain tampa mengira warna kulit, sleng bahasa dan juga agama.

Apa yang original tidak perlulah diubah sekiranya ianya betul. Contohnya, Keris yang terpacak mega di hadapan wisma kewangan boleh diganti dengan benda lain yang lebih bersifat “supportive” untuk identity negeri Sabah. Nama-nama yang sesuai untuk bangunan-bangunan di Sabah mestilah sesuai dengan identity Sabahan. Example, bangunan “teratai” boleh diganti dengan baggunan “rafflesia” Ini semua untuk menjaga identity Sabah dan untuk melahirkan sebuah Negeri yang kaya dengan identity sendiri. Bangunan-bangunan penting harusla dibina dengan mengambil kira kesenian rekabentuk tempatan.

Dengan ini, kita boleh mewujudkan keadaan yang adil dan bijak. Kesimpulannya, kita perlu memandang penjelasan yang diberi oleh YB. Dr. Jeffery Kitingan secara serious dan kita harus memainkan peranan masing-masing. Perpecahan dikalangan komunity akan mengakibatkan kerugian pada harga yang amat mahal, oleh itu, saya ingin melihat agar pemimpin tempatan sedar dan bersama-sama mencabar diri sendiri untuk memestikan hak-hak Sabahan terus terpelihara. Sabahan akan sentiasa memberi sokongan padu kepada kerajaan sekiranya kami dapat melihat tindakan yang diambil adalah betul demi kepentingan Sabah. Tidak perlulah kita diingati selalu bahawa Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia pada dasarnya dibentuk oleh tiga Kerajaan-kerajaan berdaulat iaitu Kerajaan Sabah, Kerajaan Serawak dan Kerajaan Kesatuan Negeri-Negeri Melayu (bersama-sama dengan kerajaan Singapore dan Brunei pada awalnya). Ini secara tidak langsung memberi kita hak 1/3 daripada kandungan Buku Teks Sejarah supaya indentity kita tidak akan hilang.

Pada masa kini, ramai Sabahan yang telah mendapat pendidikan tinggi di University dan dengan adanya Universiti Malaysia Sabah yang serba canggih, maka pengeluaran graduan dalam bidang professional haruslah diberi tumpuan. Untuk memestikan mereka tidak "terpaksa" meninggal kan Sabah kerana kurangnya peluang pekerjaan professional, kerajaan atau lebih tepat lagi Pemimpin-pemimpin Sabahan seharusnya berusaha keras untuk menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada mereka.

Menyentuh isu pembinaan Kimanis yang memerlukan perbelanjaan 3 Bil ringgit, ia adalah suatu perkara serious. Pemimpin-pemimpin Sabahan tidak kira dari segi pemahaman politik, sepatutnya bersatu padu untuk menyelasaikan masalah ini. Jika sekiranya Industry Petroleum dan Gas ini dibangunkan, ia menafaatkan sumber semula jadi yang seharusnya dinikmati oleh Sabahan. Ini secara tidak langsung member peluang pekerjaan professional kepada Sabahan. Kelebihan ini akan membawa Sabah kepada negeri industry dan bukan bergantung semata-mata dengan bidang perlancongan. Secara langsung dan tidak langsung, Oil and Gas Industry di negeri ini adalah wajib. Pendapatan yang pastinya lumayan hasil daripada industry ini boleh dilihat sebagai suatu kuasa suntikan ekonomi kepada Sabahan sekiranya ia diusahakan dengan adil dan saksama sama seperti jiran kita di Miri,Serawak dimana ramai graduan Sarawakian dapat kembali ke kampong asal untuk bekerja sedangkan rata-rata Sabahan terpaksa hidup berjauhan dengan keluarga kerana kurangnya peluang pekerjaan professional yang ditawarkan. Ada diantara graduan Sabahan yang terpaksa menukar bidang pekerjaan mereka semata-mata kerana ingin membantu keluarga yang serba kekurangan. Contohnya, dari bidang kejuruteraan kepada bidang perguruan.

Kesimpulannya, isi kandungan buku Teks Sejarah sekolah, harus dikaji bersama dan mestila halus dan adil. Selain itu, pemimpin-pemimpin Sabah tampa mengira perbezaan politik, mesti bersatupadu menyelasaikan masalah dengan mengambil kira kepentingan generasi depan warga Sabah. Industri Gas dan Minyak Mentah adalh wajib bagi kerajaan Sabah. Sekiranya kerajaan Persekutuan tidak dapat melihat ini sebagai suatu yang akan memberi benefit kepada Sabahan, maka kerjaan itu gagal menjalankan tanggung jawab sebagai "rakan kongsi" yang diharap oleh Sabahan. Bukan melawan kerajaan persekutuan, tetapi to "Fight for Sabahan", bukan membenci Melayu, Cina, India, tetapi mencintai community Sabah, bukan meminta-minta atau melebih-lebih seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh media "barat", tetapi berjuang untuk memestikan bangsa Sabahan sentiasa maju kehadapan dalam perlumbaan global, walaupun diperburuk oleh media, Sabahan mesti berani tampil kehadapan untuk membela bangsa dan tanah air, bukan bersifat perkauman melainkan bersifat professional dan tolerance.


Sabah terus Maju.

Voice of Sabahan
visit: www.sabahforum.com

ps: i am sorry because i don't have English version of this letter.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I have been busy :)

Hail to the decedent of HeadHunter Warrior of Borneo,

I apologize for not being reply to all of your comments. I really appreciated it.

I have been busy for quit sometime. i will try keep up my spirit for Sabah.

Fews things going on.. my grandma pass away. I really love her.. She is one of the person that i respect... all our grandparent are precious. They have thousand of story about how great our race was.

Let us not fail them for they have fought a hard time during world war 2. Not even a single person from "other side of malaysia" was there to help them.

Be brave, be gentle, and Proud to be a Sabahan.

Sabah urgently need Power? Wise?

Voice of Sabahans-We concern ours future.

Dear my fellow Sabahan, YBs, friends and family. First of all, I want to introduce ourselves. We are University Student (local and oversea), young adult, young professional, adult and most importantly we are the children of Sabah and we are our future asset. We believed in education and unity as a success to our people. We call ourselves the Voice of Sabahan or Vosian. We were all united because of the current issues affecting to not only us but our future generation too. We are pure Sabahan and come in peace as the people's voice and we DON'T have any relation to any political person. Therefore with humble heart we write this letter to the current leader of the state and also to the people in Sabah.

There are two issues that we would to highlight. They are the need of Power Source and also the MyKad problem.
Power Source is most important for a state to become an industrial state. Not only that, it will help the utility to branch out their power into the pedalaman/rural area which is indirectly, will improve the villager life style. Besides boosting the stability of power in the future, it will also become one of the requirements for a company strategy to determine whether to invest or not. Losing power could affect the industry badly in term of profit and schedule.

We agreed to the environment people since they know the engineering to do the study and also to SESB. Since the state income mostly come from tourism industry, it is not wise for us to received pollution at large. We admit that coal fired plant might the easy way to be built since TNB have so many of them in Malaya, but that’s not meant it is the only way. We could have done something better such as building hydro and Gas based plant. We cannot see any option that would benefit the people of Sabah expect those we mention before. We might have to have coal fired plant in the future but if we had any reason to delay it, it's good enough. We never know what will happen in the future but we can predict and plan for it. This will give us time to explore more option and try to avoid any of coal fired plant.

We concern on our local utility also, yes SESB. They will always be blamed if there is any black out. We know they doing their good but without support from the people and local government, they will be gone and be replaced by other not from local. We must treasure what we have now and try to make it better. Why we blame them when we experienced blackout because of the thieve cable activities? A Sabahan probably working with SESB and they surely not happy if any of this contingency happen. To solve the problem, we only need UNITY. The local government, engineers and the Sabahan itself, have to have positive mindset and stay united. Why do we depend on other? The government and the local utility must work together to restore the confident and trust from the people. Now we have the opportunity to give Sabahan engineer experience and hoping in the future we can handle it by ourselves. Come Sabahan, together we show to all the Malaysian that Sabah BOLEH and Sabah Maju Jaya.

It would be wise for the state government to depend on its own people. We can always send our engineer to aboard for training just like the government sends our MPs for study trip. This will not only give Sabahan the job opportunity but to make them more experience and confident which is indirectly, we believe will boost the Sabahan's social economic.
Mykad issues were long old but until now we failed to solve the problem. By replacing the chairman in the JPN state of Sabah also will not promise the solution. We the young generation (born 80s), and the generation before us, we still remember the clean Sabah, in our memory there is no MyKad (or so called Kad Pengenalan ) issues during our childhood. We all still can recall our memories how we lived harmony with all the races in Sabah in the past, and miss the feeling sleeping without worries being break-in. The main issue here is that we make mistake, we let them become more and more in Sabah. Some of new generations (90s,) are actively involving with the bad social life together with the "outsider". We have the right to call them outsider because we know who is the origin in Sabah and remember, we are graduate and born in (80s, 70s) we pretty much capable of remember what happened and can predict what will happen in the future.

Why do we have to suffer the mistake done (not by us) in the past? That is why today, we will raise our concern for the future generation. With all due respect to our MPs, YBs, and the Federal Government, we now ask, do they really understand what we suffer here in Sabah? Our local student in high school could have done better rather than to be associated with the "outsider". They might even can do something benefits to the community if the outsider not being around. We all can be a witness to some of our friend who falls because of get involved with the outsider.

We are not stupid and we know "personally" some of the outsider already posses MyKad. Therefore, JPN MUST BE OVERHAUL from the bottom till the top. Federal government should give the autonomy of issuing MyKad to the Sabahan people because we know the land better than they do. With all due respect, we raise our voice because we believed that we can do this job not only in JPN but also in all government departments. Many of Sabahan cannot return home and choose to work in Peninsular or oversea because of lack of opportunity in their hometown. These people however are the asset to the future and the government should give attention to them as well. The State government can always summon them to return home and offering them with a good job. What the hell are they for if not for the Sabahan people? We must have the integrity to be proud Sabahan. Local government seriously needs to create more working environment for the people. For how many years the sabahan have been study mostly in Science Social degree and recently in Science Technology.

By applying the "thinking out of the box" we can employee our people to many areas in the department and they also qualify for higher position. No one is perfect until they learn how to do their job. Example an engineer only know the concept and few practical work before he gain experience during his working years. I believed that our people can be trained even though their degree background is not majoring in administration for admin work. It's worth to try and give them opportunity at higher level. Most of Sabahan nowadays are equal good to those imported from peninsular.

Sabah State needs "more than a degree" to qualify someone to work in the state. Example, someone who was born in Sabah knows the problem better than who is not. We know how our people work, culture, adat, and also love to our own people and land. We admit the needs of experts to monitor every work progress but not with no Sabahan in the department (High till low rank) are compulsory but not forever. Why they come here to work and our people are jobless? Or doing low quality job? For example, do we really don't have any Sabahan teacher to become guru besar/pengetua to teach our children? Do we really need to sacrifice ourselves in that way? Is it the wise path to Sabah Maju Jaya? No! It's not. We must get the experience as fast as possible. We must realize that we are now left far behind by other state in Malaysia. Getting our people in the top position is one of the wiser steps. So the government department must be entrusted to the local Sabahan, a complete overhaul is a must.

The Sabahan must focus and have confident on themselves . We don’t need someone to suffer 2 years just like the 78-years old Young Lee Hua to get replacement for her MyKad and we also heard so many issues such as birth certificate under section 10, although the couple have undergone a valid wedding under ketua kampong.

The leader of the State who represents the People in Sabah, especially from the KDM community must fight for their people since we are losing our identity.

Last but not least we hope that more Sabahan who concern the current issues but don't know where to voice out is welcome to join us at: voiceofsabahan@hotmail.com.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Thanks Guntur for remaining me. I guess we all need to give introduction about ourselves kan? Sia mula la. not so details la ok?

I'm just a simple guy. My family used to be farmers. My father was ex-deresir (Pembantu pagawai perubatan in Hospital ranau), also ex-pastor/ ex-school bus driver and so on. My mum started her business by selling sayur eg kubis at pasar ranau just after she regained her strength after gave birth of me. My grandpa father’s side was angry with my family because my dad converted to Christian. We were very poor and don’t have a house to stay. For selling sayur to selling tauhu/fishball/ fresh chicken and so on after 20 years, my mum have become the champion in the State and was awarded the best Pesarta Pasar Tani in 2003 (if I remember it correctly) Some of her opponent become jelous of her and no more pasar tani in ranau. But my mum still fighting the right to sell the goods. Some people tried to make her selling at the back so the costumer will buy from other. But God still blessing us until I graduated from U. My father was a supplier to a restoran in 4 area, kundasang, ranau, KB and KM. Saya and my brothers helped them. After finished my high School, sia masih help dady sia sampai sia masuk u. Bila ada masa balik Sabah, I’ll help them. Tidak berapa lama kemudian, bapa sia tua sudah. So his business was taken by my 2 brothers and they doing it so well. My Dady then help my mum. Biasala kan tua2 sudah.

My mum asal Kiulu, Tuaran and attended sekolah curi2 sebab kena suruh jaga adik2 dia until darjah 2 saja.

My dady from ranau la but his mum(my grandma) is form kapa, tamparuli. Dady sia sampai tingkatan 3, and saja and tidak dapat sambung pelajarang because his big brother who was a DO in ranau (my uncle la) died early and teda dapat support dorang and infect one of his brother become pesakit mental lepas tu.

I was born in ranau and attended

Tadika di SK. Pekan Ranau, (depan Padang Masyarakat Ranau somewhere in 1986).

Sk Peken Ranau tahun 1 kelas merah

Sk Bengkud Ranau tahun 1-tahun 4

Sk Pekan ranau tahun4

Sk Lohan ranau tahun5

Sk Pekan Ranau UPSR-6-usaha.

SMK Tun Fuad Stephen Kiulu Tuaran (Form 1-PMR) kelas 1 neptune,2 neptunei, 3 mustari (Was in the Kejora but got kicked out sebab inda pandai english)

SMK Tamparuli (Form 4-SPM-Samudera-Saujana) After batch kami, their changed the Name and now we got 3 classes for science

Asasi Sains Fizizikal, Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya (1999-A-Level)

Kejuruteraan Elektrikal, Fakulti Kejuruteraan UM (2001-Degree)

Now working as EE

After establish, than cont study J

1 thing that I will never forget, if we try something, and put our hope and faith in it, we can do it. Believed that we can become better or better than what we are. Always try even though it is a simple matter.

When I was a child, I found myself as a gangster, Infect I’m the bad people in my school. I really love Sk Pekan Ranau which is now known as Sk Pekan 1 Ranau because a lot of budak boleh kena buli. People who know my childhood will get shock when they know me now lol.

Di kelas I know I can do it better. I just don’t like the guru from semananjung. They all have ego. When they teach me Jawi, kena pukul saja sebab inda pandai. Damn. Apa mcm mo pandai, kita bukan tau apa2 pasal Arab. Than guru KK, one of my gangster kena punch sebab degil and inda pandai jawab. Lol, dia inda dapat jawab sebab kami dari kelas yang teruk and the teacher also teruk lol. I masih ingat kelas kuning always dapat good teacher.

I remember when this lady teacher ajar math. Dia orang dusun entah mana, but because I saw her courage kan.. I focus and I score A in Math during exam. Terpaksa berpisah dari gangster punya meja. Baru sia sedar yang if saya mo, dapat juga score. This change my life but everytime jumpa guru semananjung, susah except 1, di SMKTFS. Guru geography. Really good. I easily scored A in my PMR.

When i graduated in 2006, Sia apply kerja di SESB. 2 times but no respond. My classmate easily dapat sana. I duno why. I then decided to cont my study in US harap2 dapat kerja sambil study. But just before I make my 1st stap, I dapat kerja di satu company KL yang ada branch di Sabah. No interview because when the big bos dating interview sia, 2 orang yang sama2 dia dating (meeting with sesb) was my ex-pensyarah di UM and my senior JJ. After started working, they sent me to KL for training sampai sekarang la.

I’m working on Power Engineering field. Even I graduated as electrical engineer tapi di UM punya eng course sudah dimampatkan so boleh masuk juga. Now I have to learn much on power engineering especially in power System. And yes now I’m in KL for training. It’s been 1 year sudah.

Our company is a consultant la. We give course and also do study. But sia junior, so not really consultant yet J junior kali nagam la untuk sia.

We used software to simulate all the power events such as lightening, power failure, network planning, and so on. These software are world standard and now SESB punya network begin to tuned up to met all the standard. At the moment, project yang paling besar sia pernah join ialah Bakun. That’s y kamu semua dengar early this year yang Baku telah diberi nafas baru. Apa2 pun ini adala secret so don’t expect me to explain more. Secara general boleh la. And keep it confidentially.

I’m here because I love my people. I saw the value on each Sabahan. We all have great potential. But we have our weaknesses. As a Sabahan who was born in kg and have nothing, I understand the needs those people in kg. I believed that they are not stupid but they just don’t have the opportunity. When other people dapat tuition/bas sekolah/good food/support from parent, orang di kg pula terpaksa jalan kaki 3km, terpaksa kerja, food cukup2, dan tidak semua parent support pendidikan, etc. Bila orang macam ni pg Bandar, anyak orang exploit dorang. Dorang cakap kita ini la itu la. That’s why I believed; only true Sabahan will know the situation in Sabah.

Do comment my English so I will learn from it.


Voice of Sabahan

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Please feel free to do comment and suggestion here.

I love Sabah very much. We need to support each other to RELOAD our beloved land to become the New Era.

We need all those who really concern and willing to make our land a better place to live.

Thank You

20 Points Agreement between Sabah and Federal Malaya

20-Points Agreement

History-The Agreement was written to guard the right and autonomy of people in Sabah upon entering the Federation of Malaysia in September 16, 1963.

Point 1: Religion

While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo

Point 2: Language

  • a. Malay should be the national language of the Federation
  • b. English should continue to be used for a period of 10 years after Malaysia Day
  • c. English should be an official language of North Borneo for all purposes, State or Federal, without limitation of time.

Point 3: Constitution

Whilst accepting that the present Constitution of the Federation of Malaya should form the basis of the Constitution of Malaysia, the Constitution of Malaysia should be a completely new document drafted and agreed in the light of a free association of states and should not be a series of amendments to a Constitution drafted and agreed by different states in totally different circumstances. A new Constitution for North Borneo (Sabah) was of course essential.

Point 4: Head of Federation

The Head of State in North Borneo should not be eligible for election as Head of the Federation

Point 5: Name of Federation

“Malaysia” but not “Melayu Raya”

Point 6: Immigration

Control over immigration into any part of Malaysia from outside should rest with the Central Government but entry into North Borneo should also require the approval of the State Government. The Federal Government should not be able to veto the entry of persons into North Borneo for State Government purposes except on strictly security grounds. North Borneo should have unfettered control over the movements of persons other than those in Federal Government employ from other parts of Malaysia into North Borneo.

Point 7: Right of Secession

There should be no right to secede from the Federation

Point 8: Borneanisation

Borneanisation of the public service should proceed as quickly as possible.

Point 9: British Officers

Every effort should be made to encourage British Officers to remain in the public service until their places can be taken by suitably qualified people from North Borneo

Point 10: Citizenship

The recommendation in paragraph 148(k) of the Report of the Cobbold Commission should govern the citizenship rights in the Federation of North Borneo subject to the following amendments:

  • a) sub-paragraph (i) should not contain the proviso as to five years residence
  • b) in order to tie up with our law, sub-paragraph (ii)(a) should read “7 out of 10 years” instead of “8 out of 10 years”
  • c) sub-paragraph (iii) should not contain any restriction tied to the citizenship of parents – a person born in North Borneo after Malaysia must be federal citizen.

Point 11: Tariffs and Finance

North Borneo should retain control of its own finance, development and tariff, and should have the right to work up its own taxation and to raise loans on its own credit.

Point 12: Special position of indigenous races

In principle, the indigenous races of North Borneo should enjoy special rights analogous to those enjoyed by Malays in Malaya, but the present Malays’ formula in this regard is not necessarily applicable in North Borneo

Point 13: State Government

  • a) the Prime Minister should be elected by unofficial members of Legislative Council
  • b) There should be a proper Ministerial system in North Borneo

Point 14: Transitional period

This should be seven years and during such period legislative power must be left with the State of North Borneo by the Constitution and not be merely delegated to the State Government by the Federal Government

Point 15: Education

The existing educational system of North Borneo should be maintained and for this reason it should be under state control

Point 16: Constitutional safeguards

No amendment modification or withdrawal of any special safeguard granted to North Borneo should be made by the Central Government without the positive concurrence of the Government of the State of North Borneo

The power of amending the Constitution of the State of North Borneo should belong exclusively to the people in the state. (Note: The United Party, The Democratic Party and the Pasok Momogun Party considered that a three-fourth majority would be required in order to effect any amendment to the Federal and State Constitutions whereas the UNKO and USNO considered a two-thirds majority would be sufficient)

Point 17: Representation in Federal Parliament

This should take account not only of the population of North Borneo but also of its seize and potentialities and in any case should not be less than that of Singapore

Point 18: Name of Head of State

Yang di-Pertua Negara

Point 19: Name of State


Point 20: Land, Forests, Local Government, etc.

The provisions in the Constitution of the Federation in respect of the powers of the National Land Council should not apply in North Borneo. Likewise, the National Council for Local Government should not apply in North Borneo.

REFERENCE-http://en.wikipedia.org (March 19, 2008)